Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kindergarten at Last

Monday was the big day. Jonathan and I both took Abigail to school and walked her to her class the first day. She was very excited and not a tear was shed. She has had a great 3 days and she has a WONDERFUL teacher. So far she enjoys it and can't wait to go each morning. Here are some pics from Monday morning.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Picture Time

Meeting cousin Zoe for the first time. Cooling off in the pool.
Emily LOVES cake.
Abigail's birthday party.
Abigail and her best friend Zane.
Striking a pose after having a day at the salon for her birthday.

Friday, August 22, 2008

T G I F!

What a long week we had. Every other night we seemed to have something to do to get ready for school starting. Last night was Meet the Teacher night. Mrs. Luna seems very nice and Abigail really liked the room she's in. Let's just hope she feels the same Monday morning. I'm excited that even though I do work full time I'm able to particpate as a "brown bag Mommy" to help out the classroom. They will periodically send items home that need to be cut, glued or colored and then I'll just send them back. Now I dont feel so bad about not being able to volunteer to help out during the day.

The hardest part of getting ready for Monday will be Abigail's lunches. She is the worlds pickiest eater so I'm not sure what to even send in her lunch. She will eat salad and most fruit but hardly eats any meat at all. She has informed me she'll take salad and noodles.. yes noodles - plain with a little salt. NO sauce. BLAH how boring is that.

Work was extremely busy - i was the only support person and times were a bit hectic. I did manage to sneak out a little early today though.

I'm sitting down right now to upload some many overdue photos to share. They will be posted shortly.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kindergarten here we come!

Monday is the day my baby heads off to Kindergarten. She is very excited about it. We had parent orientation this past Tuesday and while we were meeting, all of the children went to have their pictures taken for their ID badges and listen to a story. She came back with a smile and had already made a new friend. So maybe this won't be so bad afterall. I was a bit surprised at the amount of things they will be doing and learning at this age. Some of that stuff I know I didnt start working on until 1st grade. I guess times have changed a lot - or I'm just getting old!

We found out last night her teacher is Mrs. Luna. This itself made me laugh a little. I felt it was a sign that things would be good. Abigail LOVES space and the solar system and here are just a few things I thought were neat: 1) her school is the Creech COMETS and the inside of the front foyer has the solar system painted on the ceiling and 2) She got a teacher names Luna which is another name for Moon - once again with the solar system. We get to meet her teacher tonight which should be a lot of fun.

Emily aka "the eating machine" is doing really good. Potty training is going.. well not TOO bad but not as fast as I'd like either. That's ok - i'm not going to push her because I know she'll do it when she's ready. They are really doing a lot of work with her on that at daycare too so that is helping.

I'm not sure Jonathan and I are ready for this big change in our lives of having a child in school with homework and all but I'm sure we'll manage just like everyone else. I'm sure I'll be taking lots of pictures on Monday so I'll have to post some. Actually I need to post a lot of pics since I've been so behind on them - I need to make time to do that this weekend while we are sitting inside keeping dry from all the rain.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Emily Update

Emily has been doing really well lately. She eats like a horse (which is what she needs to be doing) and just overall loves food. Thank God it's my CF child who loves food so much. Today we head to her doc to learn how to give a new med.. she'll be doing hypertonic saline treatments for her lungs. We have heard great things about it. Today is also VEST DAY!! CF'ers have to have Chest PT - which until now Jonathan has done just by pounding on her chest/back with his hand. Emily LOVES her treatment time with Daddy too. She has finally gotten big enough though for the Vest. We'll hook her up to the vest and it will shake her really hard to help loosen up anything in her lungs so that she can cough it up. I'm not sure how she'l like it but hopefully she will do Ok. She'll be able to get her treatment while watching TV or whatever. I still have a feeling she'll want Daddy to give a treatment at night too just because it always puts her to sleep.

Goodbye Baby Girl... Hello Big Girl

Abigail turned 5 on Monday. WOW - has it really been 5 years since we had her? It just seems like yesterday that she was a tiny baby. I took her for a special afternoon of just the two of us on Monday. We went to a place called Sweet and Sassy - a salon for girls. She LOVED it. I'll post up some pics later. She had her hair washed/cut/styled, a manicure and pedicure and was covered in glitter from head to toe. She pranced around like a princess and said she had the best birthday ever. Of course that was topped off by dinner at the place of her choosing... yes we went to McDonalds. Not the place I would have chosen but hey it was her birthday so she got to choose. After questioning her to make sure that's what she really wanted she told me that I would get to choose a place to eat on MY birthday and she wanted McD's for HER birthday.
Last weekend she got her big surprise.. a visit from her best friend/boyfriend Zane and his family. They came over Saturday night for dinner and the kids had a blast playing. It was also nice for some good adult conversation too. His Mom brought Abigail the cutest princess birthday cake too - I'll have to put those pics up too. This weekend we are heading up to Sanger to my parents house for Abigail's birthday party. It should be a great treat.