Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sept Update

Emily had an appt at clinic on Monday and things went GREAT! She's ALMOST up to the curve on the growth and height charts. She's 20 months and is almost 21 lbs and about 28 inches. She had a nice growth since our last visit. She's finally getting an appetite and is eating lots of table food now. Ive noticed the spicier the food the more she likes it. She had her first infant lung function test a few weeks ago and it went ok. She did have mild obstruction but most likely from all the issues she had when in the hospital as a baby - nothing enough to worry about though. She will be getting another round of the synogis RSV shots this year to hopefully avoid any hospital visits. We are going to try her on dairy products again to see if she can handle them - i sure hope she can b/c that will open all kinds of doors for more calories!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Emily had physical therapy today (something she's done with ECI twice a month since Oct). She is now where she should be for her age and PT is O V E R! I know all kids do things at different times but Im so happy that she's overcome her hurdle of laying in that hospital bed for the first 4 months of her life.

So in the last week Emily has started walking (July 18), eating real food (willingly) and finally hit the 20 lb mark yesterday.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Its been a while since Ive updated and we've had a few changes. Emily is no longer on her meds for high blood pressure!!! We are thrilled to have something go in the right direction for once. We are still struggling with her eating and slow weightgain but hopefully we'll figure it all out soon. We are going to be having a GI test done to see if she's digesting food too slow - and if so we'll get some meds to speed that up to where she is actually hungry and will eat more.

She's definately developed her own personality and has a little bit of an attitude like her big sister. She's has gotten big enough that they actually play together now and they love each other so much.

All in all - no news is good news - we are just rolling with the flow and being thankful for no hospital stays.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A sweet poem

Heaven's Very Special Child
A meeting was held quite far from Earth
It was time again for another birth.Said the Angels to the Lord Above -
"This special child will need much love.
Her progress may be very slow
Accomplishment she may not show
And she'll require extra care
From the folks she meets down there
She may not run or laugh or play
Her thoughts may seeem quite far away
So many times she will labeled
"different", "helpless" or "disabled".
So let's be careful where she's sent.
We want her life to be content.
Please, Lord find the parents who
Will do a special job for you.
They will not realize right away
The leading role they are asked to play.
But with this child sent from above
Comes stronger faith, and richer love.
And soon they'll know the privelege given
In caring for their gift from heaven.
Their precious charge, so meek and mild
Is heaven's very special child."

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Picture Time

Here are the most recent pics the girls had taken at daycare.

Easter Time

All is going good - a few issues with some nasty viruses going around but all in all we're doing good. Here's a pic from a visit with the Easter Bunny - neither of the girls were too fond of him.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Just a quick update

We have started Emily's overnight feedings. She gets her formula thru her tube from 11pm to 5am. Hopefully this will give her the extra calories she needs to start growing. Its certainly been an experience. She's supposed to have enzymes at the beginning, middle and end - well she's too full to eat them (they are mixed with applesauce) in the middle and end so we're waiting on new enzymes that are in powder form to put thru her tube at the end. This should make life a lot easier on us all!
She saw her Renal docs this week and everything is looking great. They want to repeat some tests on her kidneys to see if she still has the renal reflux - we'll discuss that at the next visit in May. She also had labs drawn and she was so good - they got the vein in one poke and she didnt even cry.
She only has 1 more synagis shot and Im sure she'll be happy - she screams so bad with that shot.

The girls love playing with each other. They are always full of laughs. Emily is gonna be a much bigger handful than Abby was - she has a sneaky little laugh when she's doing something wrong.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

1 Year Update

Can you believe it - our little Emily turned 1 on January 7. No major sickness in a while (knock on wood) and for the most part she's doing good. We saw Pulmonary docs at the first of Jan and they still want her to gain more weight so we've switched to a higher calorie formula.
She had a visit with GI yesterday and she has been taken off of her meds for her TPN liver disease. Her liver and spleen are where they should be and around normal size. Thank goodness for that! Physical therapy is still going good - she's doing better at standing and I think is about to start pulling up any day now. She has a mouth full of teeth with more on the way so I think she'll be making her way to "regular" food soon.
It was a tough year - we definately hope 2007 brings us easier times!