Tuesday, January 30, 2007

1 Year Update

Can you believe it - our little Emily turned 1 on January 7. No major sickness in a while (knock on wood) and for the most part she's doing good. We saw Pulmonary docs at the first of Jan and they still want her to gain more weight so we've switched to a higher calorie formula.
She had a visit with GI yesterday and she has been taken off of her meds for her TPN liver disease. Her liver and spleen are where they should be and around normal size. Thank goodness for that! Physical therapy is still going good - she's doing better at standing and I think is about to start pulling up any day now. She has a mouth full of teeth with more on the way so I think she'll be making her way to "regular" food soon.
It was a tough year - we definately hope 2007 brings us easier times!