Thursday, February 22, 2007

Just a quick update

We have started Emily's overnight feedings. She gets her formula thru her tube from 11pm to 5am. Hopefully this will give her the extra calories she needs to start growing. Its certainly been an experience. She's supposed to have enzymes at the beginning, middle and end - well she's too full to eat them (they are mixed with applesauce) in the middle and end so we're waiting on new enzymes that are in powder form to put thru her tube at the end. This should make life a lot easier on us all!
She saw her Renal docs this week and everything is looking great. They want to repeat some tests on her kidneys to see if she still has the renal reflux - we'll discuss that at the next visit in May. She also had labs drawn and she was so good - they got the vein in one poke and she didnt even cry.
She only has 1 more synagis shot and Im sure she'll be happy - she screams so bad with that shot.

The girls love playing with each other. They are always full of laughs. Emily is gonna be a much bigger handful than Abby was - she has a sneaky little laugh when she's doing something wrong.