Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Another Update from a Bad Blogger

When I started this blog I intended on updating frequently but I guess life sometimes gets in the way and I've become a bad blogger. I wanted to use this as a way to document the ups and downs we are facing with having a child with Cystic Fibrosis as well as have something to look back on to remember all that she has been through (like we could actually forget!). I'm going to try to update this more often with more than just Emily info but about the whole Fosburgh family.

The past few months have been incredibly great for us. Back in November I was approached about a new job in another department here at MD Anderson and was promoted in January. Along with a great raise came such happiness. Probably for the first time I actually LOVE my job. Sure I've liked what I've done in the past but this is truly a blessing. I work for a boss that understands my needs to be off for many doctor visits and doesn't give me a hard time about it. It's wonderful being treated like an adult and not being hassled when you have to take time off.

Jonathan has been busy busy busy at work - often working weekends for a project that has recently come to a close. It's good to have him back at home on Saturdays now. He's also visiting the possibility of sinus surgery but probably not until after Sept. Other than work he really hasn't had a lot going on.

Emily recently went for her quarterly CF Clinic visit and I must say it was AWESOME! It only took 2 years but she is finally on a growth curve. While she's still very small - her height and weight are proportionate so they are very pleased. We took her off of her daytime formula tube feed so she only gets that overnight now as supplemental calories. Her appetite has increased and she finally made it to 24 pounds. It may still seem small for a 2 yr old but for her it was a great achievement. Since her sinus surgery she has not had any sinus issues at all - another blessing because now she is able to breathe and sleep much better.

Abigail is doing great too. Last week we had to register her for Kindergarten. I just can't believe she'll be 5 in August and ready to start school. She's worried about other children not knowing her name but she'll quickly get over that I'm sure. She doesn't want to leaver her "old" friends behind and leave daycare but I've assured her she can keep in touch with them if she wants. She's been keeping in touch with her best friend Zane whom she met in the toddler class at daycare. He left to go to another school about a year ago yet they are still as good of friends as ever. His mom and I often get them kids together (he has a brother Emily's age) for playdates. She tells me all they time that he's her boyfriend and one day when they grow up they are going to get married (oh how I already dread the dating years!) and be doctors.

It seems as if both girls are at a point in their life where cleaning up anything is just unbearable! No matter what I try to do, nothing seems to work. I really don't want to have to call the SuperNanny!! I tell myself I will NOT keep picking up their messes without their help because they have come to expect it so I just close my eyes and try not to look at the toys that have made their way all over the house. We've just started a button jar for Abby so when she does something good or helps without being told she'll get a button - which will lead to a good reward when she reaches the goal. I'm not sure how it'll work but I'll let ya know.

Overall 2008 has started off great and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for it to continue.