Thursday, July 31, 2008

Where has the Summer gone??

It seems like we were just waking up to the beginning of summer and now it's almost over. It's been a very busy summer for ustoo . We put the girls into a new daycare/preschool at the beginning of June and I would have to say it's by far one of the best things I've ever done. Abigail had been at her previous daycare since she was 6 weeks old so I was wondering how the transition would be for her. She LOVES the new place. From the new friends, field trips and gymnastics she's had the best time. Emily has been doing great too. She's grown up so much just in the past few months. We are in the midst of potty training and as most of you know that can be a chore in itself.

Healthwise everyone is doing well. Due to some blockage in one of her lungs, Emily's had some new meds added to her treatment schedule as well as an increased number of times she has to get chest therapy. Daycare is wonderful about doing this for her too.

Life as we know it is about to come to a halt. In just about 3 weeks my baby will be starting Kindergarten. We've gotten the school supplies and of course a new lunchbox of her choosing and she is super excited to start big girl school. She's ready to learn all about space she says. She's definately going to be into learning all kids of science stuff. She informed me that she did not want me to take her on her first day ... she wants to ride the bus from daycare like all the other kids. Wow - I can't believe that. Well she might ride the bus but I'm gonna be following right behind it!!

Also - Ive added the link to the blog I visit most often. This blog is by a husband whose wife has Cystic Fibrosis. They have been thru SO much in the last year but it's a definate showing that miracles can happen. Take a look thru it if you have some time.