Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hospital Stay

Emily had her first stay inpatient at Texas Childrens Hospital. Sunday we took her to the ER because she had lost a few pounds and was looking dehydrated all within about 12 hours. They admitted her into the hospital Sunday evening. Her levels are finally Ok and she was able to come home last night. They believe the problem is with her kidneys. When she gets sick they are not getting rid of all that they need to be, specifically the sodium which causes her to dehydrate so quickly. She did have another renal U/S and echocardiogram so hopefully we'll learn something from that in a week or so. Their only advice is to get her into the doc quickly if she begins to throw up or has any diarrhea.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Visit with Renal doctor

Today was our first visit with the Renal doctor. She's been officially diagnosed with Hypertension and will have to have her BP monitored daily as well as stay on the BP medicine. We have to go back in 1 month and also have a renal ultrasound and echocardiogram done in the near future. Hopefully her renal reflux will show signs of improvement.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

ER visit

We had our first trip to the ER at Texas Childrens's Hospital last Wed night. Emily got sick at daycare and we were afraid of another dehydration episode. After spending all night in the ER (you can imagine Abigail was not a happy camper having to stay too) it turns out she was OK - not dehyrdated. They did give her fluids after many tries at getting the IV in. Abigail was very concerned for her sister. At one point she made the nurse feel bad because she said "That nurse put a hole in my sister!" She's very protective of Emily. Better to spend a night in the ER for peace of mind that end up with another lengthy hospital stay.