Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Visit with Renal doctor

Today was our first visit with the Renal doctor. She's been officially diagnosed with Hypertension and will have to have her BP monitored daily as well as stay on the BP medicine. We have to go back in 1 month and also have a renal ultrasound and echocardiogram done in the near future. Hopefully her renal reflux will show signs of improvement.

1 comment:

Mamarazzi said...

I am sorry you have yet another hurdle to overcome. I haven't had to address too many of these issues yet with Kai (18 mos) but I think we may just be on borrowed time.

He was on TPN for a few weeks...but so far is just a little trooper. He does have a + culture for pa we are going to be doing TOBI on and off for the next 6 months to see if we can get rid of it. It's the non-mucolytic so we are hoping we can kick it's butt.
