Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

2009. Wow where did 2008 go? It's true when they say having kids makes time go by faster. Many good things happened this past year. Just a few of the big things are...

Started a new job (the best EVER and I still love it!)
Another hospital free year for Emily
Abigail has completed the 1st half of Kindergarten
I became an Aunt to the oh so cute Zoe
Reconnected with many friends from the past

Probably the most important of all of those is keeping Emily out of the hospital. We know with the CF it's very easy for her to get sick and end up in the hospital but we do our best to make sure she stays healthy. The sinus surgery almost a year ago had made such a difference too - no more sinus infections and we are all happy about that. It's hard to believe she'll be 3 in less than a week. She's still the happy smiling little girl she was when she was born.

Kindergarten was such a big event. I'm happy to say that Abigail loves school. I thank her teacher for that. She loves her teacher and all of her new friends and said she was going to miss them all over Christmas break. I'm sure as she gets older she'll come to love the breaks even more though!

It's hard to believe I've been in my current job position for a year now - a year today was my official start date. I'm coming up on 7 years at MD Anderson and of those, my current position has been the best. It's amazing how different things can be just because you have a good boss. I finally feel like i'm being treated like the adult that I am. So refreshing!

While overall 2008 was a good year, it was definately not without it's low points. I won't go into things such as politics or the economy - we've all heard enough about that and have our own opinions. Heartache and tragedy has hit closer to home this year more than any. From job loss and illness to death - I've seen family and friends struggle with the reality that life is too short sometimes. I continue to keep these people in my prayers and hope that 2009 will be a nicer kinder year to them.

I want to wish you all a very Happy 2009. May this year bring you many happy times and be the best ever.

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