Wednesday, January 07, 2009

To Emily

I can't believe my baby is 3 today. It doesn't seem that long ago that you were a tiny baby in the NICU. Today is truly a celebration. There were many times during that first 6 months that I wasn't sure if you'd ever see 1 - not to mention 3. Just a few weeks after you were born was the worst day of our lives when you were diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. I can still see you laying in the bed with tubes and wires from head to toe. I remember being so scared for you, knowing that you did not deserve the amount of pain you were going to endure. You made it thru not 1 but 3 major surgeries - all with flying colors. You were the favorite of all the nurses because you always had a smile for them. In all of your 3 years you have blessed us each and every day with that smile that just lights up a room. To a stranger, you would never appear to have any health issues at all. You have such joy and energy all the time that one can't help but to smile when they are around you.
You don't know it yet, but you have a very long road ahead of you. To you, the medications and g-tube are just a way of life - all that you've known, but to us they are the necessities we need to keep you healthy and alive. I promise to do all that I can each and every day to make sure we have done all that we can to take care of you and give you the life you deserve to have. I pray each day that you live a very long healthy life and that maybe a cure for this horrible disease will be found.
You've come a long way from being the green little baby we brought home to the lively little girl you are today. Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter and little sister. We are so thankful to have you in our lives.

Happy Birthday my little girl!



Unknown said...

That was wonderfully written.

Melodie said...

wow! what a great story and a blessing she must be. and she looks just like you!