Monday, June 12, 2006

May 22, 2006

We finally get to leave the hospital - again. Its so hard to get IVs in her so they had to put in a large IV in her thigh. At least she didn't get poked all over for blood every day. We are now on MORE medications and back on the original mix of formula. During this stay, it was discovered she had renal reflux. She will be on antibiotics for a few years and hopefully the problem will correct itself. She also completed another swallow study. When drinking thin liquids, she aspirates so she needs to have those thru the g-tube. This time they used a pudding consistency and she did great! She is now able to eat babyfood with no problems. OH I did fail to mention that the docs let her get dehydrated AGAIN while in the hospital - therefore extended our stay so long.

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