Monday, June 12, 2006

May 24, 2006

Today was Emily's first day at daycare. I got a call this afternoon from the hospital that when they tested the blood that was taken from her large IV in her leg, it came back positive for an infection and we needed to get her back to the hospital for treatment. We'd only been home a day and now we have to go back! I was so angry and we'd already decided we didn't want to go back to this hospital (much thanks to one of the docs). We contacted the other children's hospital to see if we could bring her there but it was decided it was in her best interest to go back to the original hospital this one last time. So back we went - same hospital - different floor. We had now been on all of the floors in the children's hospital.

Her regular docs were back so we conveyed out great displeasure in the other doctor and refused to see him anymore. We also learned that the docs we do like - are leaving. So this was the nail in the coffin of this hospital for us - on to greener pastures.

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