Thursday, August 07, 2008

Goodbye Baby Girl... Hello Big Girl

Abigail turned 5 on Monday. WOW - has it really been 5 years since we had her? It just seems like yesterday that she was a tiny baby. I took her for a special afternoon of just the two of us on Monday. We went to a place called Sweet and Sassy - a salon for girls. She LOVED it. I'll post up some pics later. She had her hair washed/cut/styled, a manicure and pedicure and was covered in glitter from head to toe. She pranced around like a princess and said she had the best birthday ever. Of course that was topped off by dinner at the place of her choosing... yes we went to McDonalds. Not the place I would have chosen but hey it was her birthday so she got to choose. After questioning her to make sure that's what she really wanted she told me that I would get to choose a place to eat on MY birthday and she wanted McD's for HER birthday.
Last weekend she got her big surprise.. a visit from her best friend/boyfriend Zane and his family. They came over Saturday night for dinner and the kids had a blast playing. It was also nice for some good adult conversation too. His Mom brought Abigail the cutest princess birthday cake too - I'll have to put those pics up too. This weekend we are heading up to Sanger to my parents house for Abigail's birthday party. It should be a great treat.

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