Friday, August 22, 2008

T G I F!

What a long week we had. Every other night we seemed to have something to do to get ready for school starting. Last night was Meet the Teacher night. Mrs. Luna seems very nice and Abigail really liked the room she's in. Let's just hope she feels the same Monday morning. I'm excited that even though I do work full time I'm able to particpate as a "brown bag Mommy" to help out the classroom. They will periodically send items home that need to be cut, glued or colored and then I'll just send them back. Now I dont feel so bad about not being able to volunteer to help out during the day.

The hardest part of getting ready for Monday will be Abigail's lunches. She is the worlds pickiest eater so I'm not sure what to even send in her lunch. She will eat salad and most fruit but hardly eats any meat at all. She has informed me she'll take salad and noodles.. yes noodles - plain with a little salt. NO sauce. BLAH how boring is that.

Work was extremely busy - i was the only support person and times were a bit hectic. I did manage to sneak out a little early today though.

I'm sitting down right now to upload some many overdue photos to share. They will be posted shortly.

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